Monday, November 24, 2008

Wild Bug Started school!

Wild Bug went to school today! His first day of his second round of preschool was a hit! Last year, we had some issues...he wasn't ready and we had a problem with his teacher. I decided not to push it this year -- plenty of kids don't have preschool and turn out fine, right? Well, starting a few weeks ago, he wanted to go. he kept asking over and over. So, I made the call, got him in and started today. He did soooo well! I'm so proud. I stayed with him (their requirement) but he didn't even seem to notice me there after a little while.

Now, what will I do with myself when I have all this free time? Well, I suppose it isn't *that* much free time -- only 8:30-12:30 each day, but still some time! My first thing on the punch list is cleaning Princess and Wild's room. Oh.My.Lord, its a MESS! That will be the project for tomorrow. I've decided that their room is for sleeping and that's it. All toys will now be in the toy room. The TV and VCR (yes, we still have a VCR) shall be gone!! All they will have left are their beds, the radio (classical music to sleep by) their night light and some books. Does that seem fair?

I'm also looking forward to getting to attend my weekly appointments with only Snuggle. It'll be nice to be able to speak freely with fewer distractions without having to beg the MIL (mother-in-law) to watch Wild -- I think she may have caught on to his, she now has a job for the first time in like 15 years! LoL I hope I can be an at home mom for that long...a work at home mom would be OK...I just wanna be able to dedicate to my children, kwim?

I'm also planning on investing some time in (ready for this one??) ME....GASP! Did I really just write that? I mean, I can't be fully egocentric since I'll still have Snuggle with me, but its alot more about me than it is with all 3 Bugs. I'm thinking I may spend more time at Starbucks -- free WiFi and a great friend works there. The coffee is a bit pricey, but maybe I can start stashing a few dollars each week into a jar for my personal use.

Well, my lunch is calling me. I'll catch y'all on the flip side!

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