Sunday, November 23, 2008!

Hey There! I'm new to this Blogging thing, so bare with me, ok? I'm 26 and I am a baby-wearing, semi-co-sleeping, breast-feeding Momma to 3 little Cuddle Bugs...well, 2 aren't quite little anymore! Cuddle Bug #1, we'll call her Princess Bug. She's 7 1/2 going on 16. She's sweet and helpful, but a girly-girl to the max. Cuddle Bug # 2, we'll call him Wild Bug. He's full of spit and vinegar and he's a ball of 4-year-old-pent-up-energy. Cuddle Bug #3 is the newest addition to the family. We'll call him Snuggle Bug. He's a mere 4 months, but he has an opinion and he's LOUD! He's a sweet baby boy. We can't forget the husband/daddy....Daddy Bug? LoL And I guess that makes me Momma Bug. Unfortunately, the rest of this intro will have to wait...Snuggle Bug needs me.

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