Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Few Pet Peeves

Something I posted a while ago another place.

There are so many things in this world that annoy me...let me list a few(okay, maybe more than a few :P ):

1. Annoying/Whiney people. This is includes people that constantly whine about how bad they have it; people that piss and moan that you never make plans with them, then when you make plans with them, they TOTALLY blow you off!!!!; People that think the world revolves around them and we should all bow down and kiss their butts; and people who think their *poop* smells like Roses (guess smells like CRAP!!!).

2. Bad Drivers (MassHoles included). Okay...where did some of these people get their licenses? I mean, seriously...if you are pulling out of a side street, wait till its clear. DO NOT, by any means, cut me off just to go 10 miles UNDER the speed limit. If you do this, you will be subjected to my horn blasting for at least 3 minutes straight, as well as me driving way too close to you. Yes, I know 2 wrongs don't make a right, but SMARTEN UP and LEARN how to DRIVE. Also, if you are an older person, I do have respect for you. You have lived longer than me, and you have been through alot. BUT, if you CAN'T see the road without hunching over your steering wheel, or if 30 mph feels fast, go turn in your license...NOW! I'm sure there are plenty of people who would enjoy spending time with you to take you to the store, doctor's appt., etc... Oh, and 1 more...those of you who insist on driving in the left lane on the highway, yet choose to do the speed limit (or under) and then get mad when people pass you on the right...GET OVER YOURSELVES! Yes, it is illegal to pass on the right, BUT it is ALSO illegal to travel in the left lane. The LEFT lane is the PASSING lane. The LEFT lane is not the Oh-wow-this-lane-is-nice-and-clear-so-I-wanna-drive-in-it-all-day lane. Oh, by the way: I, too, am a the "brake-job, horn pounding, don't piss me off" sense.

3. Cologne-aholics Cologne smells VERY nice. It can be extremely appealing and very attractive, BUT it is NOT an alternative for a shower. AND, one application does not consist of 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 of a whole bottle. It certainly is not the ENTIRE bottle. All you need is a few sprays or drops. I promise. More cologne does not equal more sex appeal. More cologne = nausea and vomiting. Ladies, this applies to you and perfume as well. Oh, and while I'm at it: Fragrance Sales People at Big Department Stores: spraying so much cologne and/or perfume at me that it makes me cry, gag, or want to punch you -- not a good sales pitch. Wait till I ask to smell some! (Why did Filene's have to change to Macy's??)

4. Religous Zealots. Yes, I am a Christian, and yes, I respect other religions. BUT, do not try to go up against me about what God's Word says when you are reading from some silly magazine (No, the watchtower is NOT a bible.) and I am reading from The Bible. Learn that words can have just a smidge more than their literal meanings. Also, those of you that choose to take certain passages from The Bible out of context, and twist it to be *your*, too, should GET OVER YOURSELVES. Yes, you are allowed to have your beliefs, but NO, you ARE NOT allowed to push said beliefs on me, or tell others that we are *blinding* people *to the truth*. YOUR truth is NOT always THE TRUTH.

Well, thats the end of my rant for now. If I offended you, well, I can't really say sorry. This is how I feel. So, if I offended you feel free to comment this and let me know how you feel. I'm always up for a good debate. :D

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